
How to open a professional bank account?

Opening a professional account, a must? You have just created your company and wish to open a professional bank account as part of your daily activity. But what is the appropriate procedure? Is it compulsory for an entrepreneur to open…

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How do I open a business account online?

The ability to open a business account online has made the process of setting up a business easier. No physical meeting with an advisor, no need to bring the supporting documents in person, everything is done online. This is a…

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How to perform a financial analysis?

For the takeover of a company, for example, financial analysis is crucial because it is used to determine whether the company in question can make a profit or whether it generates losses instead. So thanks to the financial analysis of…

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Why is accounting essential in a company?

In order to guarantee its sustainability, a company must make a profit. The importance of accounting, in the first place, is therefore to know if expenses do not take precedence over turnover. This seems to be a simple principle, but…

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Why does the price of money go up and down?

  Silver is well qualified as a precious metal. It is often underestimated, yet it has considerable potential. It happens that the price of silver and the yellow metal are in strong competition. That is to say, when the price…

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Doing your tax return in Fribourg

Taxpayers of the city of Fribourg have to pay taxes on income and wealth, if they are natural persons of legal age, and on profit and capital, if they are legal entities. Failure to pay these taxes or not to…

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